For troubleshooting, see the end of this section.
This section helps you preview, apply and save presets.
DROP-DOWN MENU : Browse among the saved Presets.
< > ARROWS : Quickly apply the previous or next presets.
GALLERY : Opens a web page with previews for each in-built presets.
SAVE : Save your own presets. Their path is :
Windows : My Documents\The Waenderer\Bokeh Sensei
Mac : …\Documents\The Waenderer\Bokeh Sensei
These settings control the amount of Blur and the Bokeh appearance.
AMOUNT : Amount of blur.
BOKEH SHAPE : You can choose between different bokeh shapes : Hexagon, Octagon, Circle, Heart, Blade and Blob.
BOKEH 1 – Aspect Ratio : The Aspect Ratio controls the horizontal scale of bokeh. With Bokeh Sensei, it is possible to have 2 different Aspect Ratios set by this property and the next below. The way Aspect Ratio 1 and 2 are used depends on the “BOKEH MAP” (see “BOKEH MAP” section).
BOKEH 2 – Aspect Ratio : Second property for the Aspect Ratio of the Bokeh.
ROTATION : Rotates the Bokeh.
AUTO-ORIENT : If checked, the Bokeh will be oriented toward the Auto-Orient Center (see below).
AUTO-ORIENT CENTER : 2D Position of the Auto-Orient feature
These settings control the Bokeh appearance.
GAMMA : Changes the Gamma of the Bokeh, make the Bokeh pop out.
DIFFRACTION FRINGE : Adds a thin outline to the Bokeh.
EDGE ABBERATIONS : Adds chromatic abberations to the edge of the Bokeh.
TEXTURE : Adds a texture to the Bokeh.
TEXTURE Scale : Change the scale of the texture.
TEXTURE Opacity :Change the opacity of the texture.
A “Blur Map” is a Black & White picture where white values means 100% blurriness and black values 0% blurriness. It is often use with “Depth Map” exported from 3D software.
SHOW : Shows the Blur Map to help you get the right look.
TYPE : Choose between different types of Blur Map. You can choose a custom layer. This layer must be in Black & White and the same size of the layer with Bokeh Sensei.
FEATHER : Adds a feathering effect.
CENTER : 2D Position of the center of the Blur Map.
SCALE X, Y : Changes the X and Y scale of the Blur Map.
ROTATION : Rotates the Blur Map.
BLUR FOCAL DISTANCE : Defines which color value in the Blur Map is not blurry at all. By default it is set to black. At 50%, the color value will be a 50% grey. At 100%, it will be the white values. Often used to change the focus.
INVERT : Invert the luminance of the Blur Map.
A “Bokeh Map” is a Black & White picture where white values sets where the Bokeh with Aspect Ratio 1 are and black values where the bokeh with Aspect Ratio 2 are.
SHOW : Shows the Bokeh Map to help you get the right look.
TYPE : Choose between different types of Bokeh Map. You can choose a custom layer. This layer must be in Black & White and the same size of the layer with Bokeh Sensei.
FEATHER : Adds a feathering effect.
CENTER : 2D Position of the center of the Bokeh Map.
SCALE X, Y : Changes the X and Y scale of the Bokeh Map.
ROTATION : Rotates the Bokeh Map.
DISTORTION QUALITY : Lowering the Distortion Quality will make your render faster but less accurate. Increasing the Distortion Quality will make you render more accurate but slower too.
INVERT : Invert the luminance of the Bokeh Map.
The plugin doesn’t work as it should
There are several ways to fix this :
– Purge your memory : Edit / Purge / All memory or Image cache memory
– Empty the disk cache: Preference / Media & Disk Cache / Empty Disk Cache
– Restart AE.
– Restart your computer.
– Wake up from this nightmare.
Still having trouble?
Don’t forget to precise you AE version and your computer specs.